I wrote a full post on all the reasons I chose an AirDoctor air purifier for our home, and the importance of having a great quality purifier in the first place (you can read that post here). After nearly 3 years of having our AirDoctor, I’m sharing this post to detail some of our personal experiences with it, and why I love it.
Top Ways Our AirDoctor Air Purifier Has Impressed Me:
Let me preface this section by letting you know about my favorite AirDoctor features: it has light signals to tell you the quality of the air, and an automatic sensor that kicks up the fan speed as/when needed. When it detects something in the air, the light turns from blue (which tells you the air quality is good) to either orange (moderate air quality) or red (poor air quality), and the fan speed automatically adjusts to take care of the issue.

Here are a few personal experiences that make me appreciate these features so much…
1. It picked up a propane leak in our home.
A huge reason I love this air purifier. A few weeks after having our new furnace installed, we had a propane leak. Apparently, the installer used a wrong size fitting and after just a few runs, the seal broke. I smelled a very faint weird smell in the basement one morning, but didn’t think much of it. It was barely noticeable, so I wasn’t concerned. Later that evening, my husband noticed it. He did the soapy water trick to test the areas around the fittings for bubbles. Thank God he did, because once he sprayed the area, sure enough the bubbles were-a-foaming. Proof of a leak.
He immediately turned off the propane and called the company that installed the furnace to tell them to come over, and I immediately went upstairs to open all the windows and make sure our air purifier was turned on.
I like to leave our AirDoctor on continuously throughout the day to keep our air clean and moving, but my one-year-old son at the time loved to hit buttons and turn it off without me noticing. He had it off.
When I turned it back on, the light bounced from red to orange, but didn’t go to blue – telling me the air quality was not good. The automatic fan speed stayed on high/medium. It remained this way for about an hour before turning back to blue and low speed. I was amazed. I didn’t smell anything, but the AirDoctor did. It detected the gas, and helped remove it from our home.
Since this experience, I’ve had our AirDoctor on throughout the days AND the nights. It brings me comfort to see that blue light on, and any time I see it switch to orange or red, I know something’s up.
2. It’s great at cleaning up cooking odors and smoke, even when I don’t think there is any.
Cooking burgers or searing meat on the stove can definitely create smoke and a lasting unpleasant odor. Our AirDoctor always picks up on this while I’m still cooking, increasing the speed automatically and clearing the smoke and odor a lot quicker.
3. It picks up dust from sweeping/vacuuming in entirely different areas of our house.
We’ve spent some time lately cleaning out our basement, vacuuming and sweeping down there. Even with our AirDoctor on the first floor above the basement, it will stick kick up speed and change light color when we do this. It’s pretty nasty how far dirt and dust will travel! We also have a wood burning stove in our basement, and when we clean out the ashes, the air purifier kicks up speed.
As far as the filters go, I’ve only had to change them about once a year so far. Every couple months, I do vacuum the pre-filter, and it’s always interesting to see how much dust accumulates over that time.
Because I love out AirDoctor air purifier so much and often recommend it, I’ve become an affiliate for the product. I choose to only affiliate myself with products/companies I truly love and think will be useful for my readers. As an AirDoctor affiliate, I’m able to offer a $300 discount on the AirDoctor air purifier! I truly think of this air purifier as a great healthy investment for any home. Click here to save $300 on the AirDoctor.
*Some of the links above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services that I believe will add value to my readers.