Add More of These to Your Space for A Healthy Home


I love the coziness of fall. At the same time, I so miss the outdoorsy months of spring and summer.

As we begin spending less time outdoors, it’s a great time to bring the outdoors in. It’s a great time to bring in some plants!

Indoor plants are so beneficial to our health and well-being during the cooler months when you’re stuck inside.

There are many wellness benefits of having plants in your home: 

1. They’re cheerful. Houseplants discretely put you in a better mood, which is a total necessity in the darker winter months.

2. They clean our breathing air. This is especially important during the colder months when the windows and doors stay shut. Most people think a lot about the quality of the food we eat and the water we drink… but not so often do people consider the quality of air we breathe and how that can affect our health. The air we breathe in enters our lungs, and with it go all the nutrients AND pollutants in that air. Our indoor air is DIRTY! Usually 2-5 times, but sometimes as much 100 times dirtier than outdoor air.  Toxins in indoor air come from everywhere… paint, flooring, furniture, cleaning chemicals, pets, dust, heating sources… literally everything. Plants do the amazing job of filtering and purifying our air. Read more ways to detox the air of your home.

3. They promote better sleep. Plants promote a sense of calm and relaxation, helping with insomnia.

4. They can help you heal faster from injury or illness. Ahum, cold and flu season.

5. They release moisture into the dry air. Natural humidifiers. Your skin will thank you.

If you don’t already have houseplants in your home, now is the time to get some. Of course one is much better than none, but a general recommendation for air quality is to have at least one plant for every room, or approximately one plant for every 100 square ft of home space.

My favorite indoor plants and the best for filtering air for a healthy home include:

Snake Plant

Spider Plant

Peace Lily

Bamboo Palm


Weeping Fig

Boston Fern (can be finicky, as it loves humid climates)


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