Getting to Know Your Human Design

Human Design

It was only a few weeks ago that I heard the explanation of human design for the first time. I was listening to an Almost 30 podcast episode with human design expert Jenna Zoe as the guest. Instantly, I was intrigued and looked up my design chart on, along with my husbands and my children’s.

What is human design? It’s sort of similar to astrology, but goes wayyyyy deeper.

I’ve always found astrology fascinating, and have always felt a deep connection to my Sagittarius sign. Growing up, my grandmother used to check her horoscope in the newspaper every day, and that rubbed off on me. I love all things personal development and self-discovery, so this is right up my alley.

If you’ve ever been into astrology, you will probably love getting into human design too!

Your unique human design goes off the day you were born, along with the exact time, and the location. Yes, you need to know the exact time of your birth (it should be on your birth certificate). From this data, your exact placement in time and space, relative to the solar system and star field at the moment of your birth is determined. It may sound a little woo, but it’s a lot of fun and so many things about it make sense to me ❤️

The first time you look at your chart, you’ll probably feel overwhelmed. I definitely did. There’s a lot to look at, and none of it makes sense until you get into all the meanings.

I’m no expert in human design, so I can’t go off the cuff with much information on how it works [yet!], but it’s something I’ve personally been reading and learning about during the last few weeks, and it has me excited enough to share. I’m currently reading the book, Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be, and it’s been giving me a lot of good insight into all the workings.

Some of what I’ve learned about myself (or have become more confident about) through my human design chart so far

I’m just barely scratching the surface, but so far, here are some of the important pieces of my human design:

  • Some of my greatest qualities are all about teaching, leadership, education, and knowledge.
  • Always seeking to become my “best self” is one of my strongest attributes.
  • I have a strong ability to access willpower to get through the things my heart gets set on. Therefore, I have to be careful about where I devote my time and energy. It’s easy to take on too much and burn out, so one of my greatest health requirements is rest.
  • I have a continuous stream of life-force energy to draw on in order to sustain endeavors that I commit myself to. There is no “off” switch, no turning back once a decision is made. Another reason to be careful what and who I devote time and energy to.
  • I have a strong intuition and need to pay closer attention to it. It’s important to disengage with a person or place at the moment my intuition or instinct tells me to.
  • My survival mechanism is always on, so I have a tendency to fear things. This can lead to being overprotective, and so I often need to adopt a more realistic attitude, otherwise it’s hard to experience life.
  • As a Manifesting Generator, I have a strong guidance system led by my gut, yet, my authority is led my emotions. If someone asks me to commit to doing something, my gut might immediately say, “yes, let’s do it!” Then minutes, hours, or days go by and I no longer have interest in doing the thing. It’s called the moment of truth. Instead of committing to things the moment they’re offered, I need to take a little time to embrace the moment of truth – I need to dip a toe in the water, realize how it will make me feel, and then once there’s more clarity, I can make it happen.
  • I need to focus on only doing one project at a time.
  • My communicative skills are strong but are often masked by my attitude of not taking life too seriously.
  • Community is very important to me, with an aim to bring people together with shared values, emotions, and desires.
  • According to my 6/2 profile, I am here to be a role model and am known as someone with high ideals, high standards, and high goals. This leads to a tendency to always take charge, do things myself, or micromanage. I need to open up to the concept of delegation, and trust that people around me are both willing and capable.
  • I’m on a constant quest to find more information and more knowledge. I want to learn all that there is to know about the things that interest me before putting any of my knowledge out there… which can often lead to never putting myself out there.

More to come!

As I mentioned, I also up my husband and children’s human designs, and I’ve learned some interesting aspects about them – about their nature, personalities, and some of the traits that make them uniquely them. This might be very helpful! It’s crazy how accurate these human design charts feel. Mine feels so true to me, and my husband’s so accurately describes him. And, now being aware of my children’s human designs, I feel I can better support them and their unique characteristic needs as they grow.

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