10 Reasons to Start a Blog

how to start a blog

What is blogging? Put simply, a blog is pretty much a website that gets updated continuously with new posts (articles), and blogging is the act of publishing these posts. Posts are displayed in chronological order, sort of like journal entries. Having a blog is like having your own little corner of the internet, or in investment terms, your own piece if “internet real estate.”

If you’re thinking about creating a blog, take action and go for it! There are lots of great reasons to start a blog. It’s easy to get started, and it may transform your life.

10 Reasons to Start a Blog

1. You’ll learn lots of new things.

Initially, you’ll learn about web hosting, how to build a website, SEO, social media, and all that technical stuff, but it doesn’t stop there. While you have a blog, the learning never stops. If you want your blog to stay relevant, you’ll always be researching topics of interest and staying on top of the latest trends to share with your audience.

2. You can share your story and express yourself .

A blog gives you a chance like no other to have your voice be heard. Put yourself out there. Let your blog represent you and what you’re passionate about.

3. A great outlet for creativity.

Blogging is a great way to let the creative juices flow. Everything from designing your blog, to the photography used, to writing the actual posts takes some creativity.

4. You can make new connections.

There is a whole world of people out there, and many of them share the same interests as you. Blogs have been known to bring people together who share the same passions and goals.

5. You’ll have your own piece of “internet real estate.”

The internet is in extremely high demand. When you own a website, that domain is your own piece of internet real estate.

6. You’ll get worldwide exposure.

It’s a platform for you to share your content with the the entire world. That’s reach!

7. Doors of opportunity may open.

You may find exciting opportunity through blogging. From books or e-books, to speaking engagements, to partnerships, even to the building of an entire brand… your blog might just be the very start to something extraordinary. It won’t happen overnight, maybe not even in the first couple years, but consistency and perseverance may bring you far.

8. You can help people.

Through blogging, you have a very real opportunity to help people. Chances are, someone out in the world is searching for the exact answers that you have. Share your knowledge and experiences.

9. It’s possible to make money.

There is a very real opportunity to earn money from a blog. It takes work (a lot of work), but the opportunity to monetize is definitely there. In fact, there are some blogs that make well over six-figures a year. While this is only a very small percentage of blogs out there, it shows that it’s attainable! For a bit of inspiration, check out some of these blogging income reports: Making Sense of CentsPinch of Yum, & Smart Passive Income.

10. It will make you happy.

It really is fun (and therapeutic) to write about and share what interests us. A blog can be a wonderful personal development tool, and a great way to spread inspiration.

So, ready to get started? Learn How to Start a Blog here.

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