Self-Care in the Winter

self care in the winter

Self-care is so NECESSARY, especially in the winters months when the lack of sunlight, fresh air, and cold temperatures tend take a toll on us.

It’s not all detox baths and mani-pedis. Self-care is the small stuff too. The simple act of brushing your teeth is self-care. Making your bed is self-care. Doing the things that make you feel good, physically, mentally, or emotionally is self-care.

Here are some easy ways to incorporate lots of self-care into your life over the winter, or any time of year.

21 Ways to Enjoy Self-Care in the Winter

1. Take care of your sleep.

Getting quality sleep is one of the greatest things we can do for our health. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep every night, and go to bed early! Having a good night time routine can help you get better sleep.

2. Wake up early.

Wake up early, and start the day with the sun. It’s so nice not to feel rushed in the morning! Having a calm morning sets you up for a much better day ahead.

I only recently became a morning person after having kids. Waking up before anyone else in the house allows me to have time to myself, before the chaos of the day begins. It allows me to get my morning routine going, and gain clarity on the day ahead.

3. Scrape your tongue after brushing your teeth.

You’d be surprised by how much film comes off your tongue with a tongue scraper, even after brushing your teeth! Tongue scraping is an Ayurvedic self-care technique that removes the buildup of plaque and toxins from the surface of the tongue, before it can get reabsorbed into the body.

4. Drink warm water with lemon first thing in the morning.

Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon first thing in the morning is an old Ayurvedic self-care ritual that gets the digestive system going and helps balance your body. It’s a great gentle way to wake up and get things in the flow.

5. Practice yoga/gentle stretching.

It’s so good for the body and the mind to practice yoga or do some gentle stretching. It gets the blood flowing, energizes the body, tones the body, and just feels so good!

6. Nourish yourself with healthy foods.

Giving your body the quality nutrients it needs is the ultimate form of self-care. What we put in our bodies on a daily basis affects everything – our physical health, our appearance, our emotional and mental state. Feed your body with nutritious foods for the optimal well-being. For a list of some uplifting foods especially great for this time of year, check out this post on Mood Boosting Foods for Fighting the Winter Blues.

7. Dry brush your skin.

Brush your skin with a dry body brush. It sweeps away dead skin cells, promotes skin renewal, and increases circulation. It’s a great ritual to incorporate in a morning routine just prior to getting in the shower. Using a natural bristle body brush, brush your skin in long sweeping motions going the direction towards your heart (it promotes blood to flow that way).

8. Moisturize.

Moisturizing your skin after a shower is a great way to show your body some TLC, and prevent that dry winter skin. My favorite thing to put on my skin is coconut oil mixed with a few drops of citrus essential oil. It’s so revitalizing and refreshing.

9. Incorporate essential oils.

Diffuse them, apply them to your skin with a carrier oil (like coconut oil), add a few drops to a hot bath, or inhale them straight from the bottle. Essential oils are so uplifting. Just make sure you’re using pure essential oils, and not synthetics.

10. Write in a gratitude journal.

Keeping a gratitude journal is such a positive practice that helps you appreciate all the little things. Every morning (or night), write down 5 or 10 things you’re grateful for that day. They don’t have to be big things…. a delicious cup of coffee is something to be grateful for!

11. Write down your goals.

Simply writing down your goals provides so much clarity, and clarity creates confidence!

12. Listen to podcasts.

We have the ability today to listen to and learn from some of the greatest minds, leaders, and teachers of the world, all at the touch of our fingertips for free. How amazing is that?!

I turn on podcasts while I shower, get ready for the day, and while driving. I get inspired, motivated, and ready to take on the day after listening to a good one.

With literally thousands of podcasts to choose from, you can find great ones on just about any topic.

13. Take time to yourself.

It’s SO important to take some time that’s just to yourself. Time when we don’t have to meet the demands of others. It’s why I try to wake up at least one hour before anyone else in the house does.

14. Take a hot epsom salt bath.

Unlike table salts, epsom salt is made up of pure magnesium sulfate, which helps flush heavy metals from the body. By soaking in epson salt, your skin absorbs the mineral, allowing unwanted salts and toxins to get drawn out of the body through your sweat.

15. Do a hot towel scrub.

Gently scrubbing your skin with a hot and steamy damp cloth is a calming ritual that exfoliates skin, opens pores, increases circulation, and activates the lymphatic system. It also reduces muscle tension and is a nice, calming stress relief!

16. Read.

Reading (or listening to) a good book is such a positive form of entertainment. In a world where everything in the news seems to be so negative, delving into a book or story, rather than turning on the television, can put you in a much better place.

17. Create a vision board.

Creating a vision board is a lot of fun. It’s also POWERFUL! It helps you visualize what you want your life to look like, providing clarity on your goals.

You may say “I want to be successful,” but how do you visualize success? What does it look like for you, and how do you know when you’ve reached it? Maybe it looks like a new Mercedes Benz, a sprawling mansion, or a million dollars in your bank account. Or maybe it looks like a small apartment in your favorite city, your own business, or the freedom to travel. Whatever it is, create a vision board and let the law of attraction help you get there.

Read more on the power of a vision board and how to create one.

18. Enjoy a cup of your favorite hot beverage

Whether it’s your morning cup of coffee, a cup of hot chocolate, or an evening cup of tea, slow down, cozy up, and thoroughly enjoy it! There’s just something about a hot beverage in your favorite mug on a cold winter day.

19. Get some fresh air.

Getting outside in nature is amazing for the soul, but even if it’s just five minutes outside sitting on a patio or deck, the fresh air will do you good.

20. Get some house plants.

House plants are cheerful, they clean the air we breathe, they can promote better sleep, and they release moisture into the air – all of which are really beneficial this time of year!

21. Invest in yourself. Schedule a relaxing massage, a pedicure, or some time at the spa.

Indulge in the picturesque version of self-care. Get a massage, a facial, a mani/pedi, or even a haircut. Take some time away from everything else that’s going on in life, and just relax while getting pampered.

So there you have it, 21 ways to enjoy self-care in the winter. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so remember it’s important to take care of you too! Incorporate some of these self-care rituals into your life, and everyone else around you will benefit too!

What are some of your favorite rituals for self-care? I’d love to hear in the comments below!

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