We’re Expecting!

We're Expecting

So thankful and over the moon excited to share the news that Aaron and I are expecting a baby in July 2018!

15 years into our relationship and 1 year married, this is happening, and we couldn’t be more thrilled.

October turned out to be our lucky month, once again. We started dating in October, he proposed in October, we were married in October, and found out we’re expecting in October.

First Signs of Pregnancy

Sign number one for me was a teensy tiny bit of spotting. Sign number two, sore boobs. Sign number three was a short bout of nausea that happened to happen on the night of our 15 year dating/1 year wedding anniversary. It was like a car sickness feeling that only lasted about 2 minutes, but I was confident that this was my lucky sign #3.

The day after that first bit of nausea, I discreetly stocked up on pregnancy tests. I had to hold on to them for a couple days until I got to that 3 days before missed period mark. The second line was there. Extremely light, but it was there. I took 3 of them just to be sure. I didn’t tell Aaron… I contained my excitement that night (it was between just me and the dog).

That next morning, I headed to Target on a mission to find a cute reveal gift for Aaron. I bought a onesie that said “The Adventure Begins.” I put the onesie along with the positive pregnancy tests in a box, wrapped it up in pretty paper, and gave it to Aaron. I told him it was a “late anniversary gift.” He was thrilled, emotional too, and we went to dinner to celebrate. It was pretty surreal and we couldn’t stop smiling.

Keeping it a secret

We decided to keep the pregnancy a secret until 12 weeks, which landed on Christmas, perfectly enough. So mum was the word for a couple of months. It was SO difficult, especially for these reasons:

2 days after finding out that I was pregnant, we found out that one of our greatest friends was also pregnant, and due just 6 days before me. Ahgggg I wanted to tell her so bad.

1 week after finding out that I was pregnant, we found out that my SISTER was also pregnant, and due 2 days after me! Insanity. My lips were still sealed about my own pregnancy. AND THAT WAS HARD.

1 month after finding out that I was pregnant, we found out that another of our greatest friends was also pregnant, and due 2 weeks before me.

Then, about a month and a half into my pregnancy, I turned 30. The week of my 30th birthday was the absolute worst of the morning sickness – all day sickness really. Aaron wanted to plan a birthday dinner with our friends, but I told him there was absolutely no way I could do it. I begged him not to plan anything. I couldn’t be around food without gagging. Between that and the fact that I wouldn’t be drinking, I was sure that a birthday dinner with friends would blow our cover.

Aaron and I did go to breakfast on my birthday with my mom, uncle and sister. When we got to the restaurant, they were already there, and had a birthday mimosa waiting for me at the table. I thought, it’s over, they’re gonna know! But we did it. I held the champagne glass up to my lips a couple times to make it look like I was sipping it, and when nobody was looking, I handed it off to Aaron who drank it down.

My birthday afternoon was spent walking with my sister and our dogs through the state park, while I secretively felt like dying. It’s funny because she was pregnant too, and felt perfectly fine. All pregnancies are different, that’s for sure.

On Christmas, we finally broke the news to our family and friends. What a relief! It felt fantastic.

pregnancy reveal

First Trimester Woes

I had always thought that I would have a super nutritious and physically fit pregnancy. Woof. Let me tell you, the first trimester was a reality check on that. All day morning sickness kicked in for me at 6 weeks, and didn’t go away until about week 16. The gagging was non-stop. I only actually threw-up 3 times, but the nausea was horrendous. I constantly needed something in my stomach to keep it settled, but couldn’t deal with the sight of most food.

I used to eat an avocado every morning on my breakfast sandwich before pregnancy. After 6 weeks, I couldn’t even walk past them in the grocery store without heaving. All vegetables grossed me out. So weird how things that were such a big part of my diet before, suddenly became the grossest stuff on the planet. For those 10 weeks, I lived off mostly dry cereal, french toast, waffles, bagels, and mashed potatoes. Carbs, carbs, and more carbs. I felt pretty terrible about it, but kept telling myself that it was only temporary, and the baby was getting the nutrients it needed from me and the pre-natals I was taking. I read somewhere that sniffing lemon helps with morning sickness, so I started doing that and it became my lifesaver.

I was able to slowly add in fruit, and now, at 18 weeks, I have thankfully gotten a much healthier appetite back.

Second Trimester Feels

After much time spent on the couch throughout the first trimester, I’m finally able to get up and get moving now. I’m so grateful for this second trimester energy! I wasn’t sure I was going to ever get it. I wouldn’t say I’m full of energy, but I’ve been able to start exercising again, I’ve have been doing pre-natal yoga, and am getting some projects done around the house. Oh my, do we have a lot to be done around the house!

I’ve always been incredibly fascinated by pregnancy, and labor and delivery. I’ve always wanted it, and I’m so blessed to be able to go through it. I’m embracing all that it is and all that’s to come.

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